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show view

I invite you to look at this work as a depiction of cosmic drama where several "story lines" are born, arise, play out their role, then retire, like the waves breaking on a seashore. It is more a visual music, than an intellectual statement, an open-ended symbol and invitation to start one's own exploration of beliefs, convictions and attitudes that guide one's own life.

Aral mixed media 32” x 80” x 24”

... could madness result from the dependence on technology and social media? And are we so used to this projected self that we accept each other on such surface value? One characteristic of madness is that the sufferer cannot recognize themselves: they fantasize and answer to a false reality. We fracture our thoughts, our whole selves, in the name of projecting and absorbing constant information without time for introspection. Are we on a path to madness as our new normal?

Not to Be Reproduced Again Mixed media: wood, plexiglas, screws, photographs, gouache, pencil, and acrylic on paper. 36” x 54” 2015

These figures come from my imagination. Some kind of human/animal hybrid. They may be gods who walk among us. I suspend them from strings because I like the potential for movement, the suggestion they may be flying or ascending. I like how they become puppet-like when they are suspended. Something will happen when your back is turned. I also like the darker suggestions, of figures on the gallows. In order to contend with the rampant madness of the world I look for older knowledge in mythology, f

Arachnoid Leather, clay approximately 10" x 8" 2012
Society expects artists to possess a touch of madness, akin to death's intrigue. Artists offer a glimpse into this enigmatic realm. In this exhibition, seven artists from different cities examine sanity, insanity, survival, and self-expression, questioning their place in a seemingly insane world.