
Andrei Rabodzeenko
Chicago-based artist Andrei Rabodzeenko was born in 1961 in Kyrgyzstan, Soviet Union to a family of artists. From 1976-1980 he studied painting and drawing at the Benkov School of Art in Tashkent. From 1980-1985 he completed his studies in interior design and architecture at Mukhina School of Design in Leningrad. Since 1991 Andrei lives and works in Chicago. Many of his paintings, drawings, handmade books, and sculptures are in private and public collections in the US and abroad. Multiple media and styles are characteristic of Andrei’s artistic expression.
Energy, Frequency and Vibration, solo show of drawings and audio-visual installation, curated by Lise McKean, Riverside Arts Center FlexSpace, Riverside, IL
7 Artists - 7th Anniversary, Terra Sounds, Glenview, IL
Chicago Sculpture Biennial, juried show, Evanston Art Center, Evanston, IL
2 @ Terra, Andrei Rabodzeenko & Nikita Tkachuk, Terra Sounds School of Music & Arts, Glenview, IL
Projections: An Interactive Portrait Project, solo show of freestanding painted portraits and wall hangings, River House Arts Gallery, Toledo, OH
100 x 100, 100 Sculptors – 100 Sculptures, third decennial survey of contemporary sculpture in the Midwest, curated by Ken Thompson, Ella Sharp Museum, Jackson, MI
IN SANE, seven-artist group show, curated and including an installation by Andrei Rabodzeenko, TOCA, Chicago
Technotropic Romance, solo show of graphic works, Loyola University Museum of Art, Chicago
Technotropic Romance, solo show of graphic works, St. Xavier University Gallery, Chicago
Color of Change, sound performance + video projection, Terra Sounds School of Music & Arts, Glenview
Many Years Past, solo show of drawings, Terra Sounds School of Music & Arts, Glenview
Pieces of 8, group show, curated by River House Arts Gallery, Center for the Visual Arts, University of Toledo, Toledo, OH
LUMA at 10: Greatest Hits, Loyola University Museum of Art, Chicago
Andrei Rabodzeenko, solo show of oil paintings, The University Club of Chicago
Now & Ever, solo show of oil paintings, River House Arts Gallery, Perrysburg, OH
ArtPrize, Bar Divani, Grand Rapids, MI
Skokie Northshore Sculpture Park, "Wing," sculpture installation Skokie, IL
Andrei Rabodzeenko, a Survey of Paintings, Sculptures and Works on Paper from the past 15 years, Artspace, Lima, OH
Andrei Rabodzeenko, solo show of oils, small sculptures, Flaman Art Gallery, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Anywhere but Here, artist book show, curated by Ama Medina-Seabright, Donna Seager Gallery, San Rafael, CA
Something to Do With Failure, group show curated by Chester Costello, University of St. Francis, Joliet, IL
Sculpture on Ford Road, MSI juried outdoor sculpture show, Canton, MI
Middle American Riches, two-person show curated by Peggy Grant, 20 North Gallery, Toledo, OH
Accidents, Loops and Elements, three-person show curated by Mary Fortuna, Paint Creek Center for the Arts, Rochester, MI
Sculpture in the Park 2005, curated by Peggy Grant, Ottawa Hills, OH
Wall to Wall: Survey of Current Regional Sculpture, Flatlanders Gallery, Blissfield, MI
Work of art / Art of work, national juried show, Fine Arts Building Gallery, Chicago
Andrei Rabodzeenko, solo show of oils, Emmanuel College, Cambridge University, UK
Sculpture in the Gardens 2004, Schedel Arboretum & Gardens, Elmore, OH
Not Just Another Pretty Face, commissioned portraits project, Hyde Park Art Center, Chicago
Let's Face This, solo show of oils, 20 North Gallery, Toledo, OH
Background, an art show of four somehow Ukrainian artists, The Butcher Shop, Chicago
Father and Son. Ivan Rabodzeenko, Andrei Rabodzeenko, 20 North Gallery, Toledo, OH
Culture and Identity, three-person show curated by Lia Alexopoulos, Hyde Park Art Center, Chicago
The Pathos of Reality, video installation/performance with Victor Snesar, Gallery 21, St. Petersburg, Russia
Hello, Comrade Chicagov, video installation, Borey Gallery, St. Petersburg, Russia
Moving the Body Forward, a group show of works on paper, Lorenzo Rodriguez Gallery, Chicago
Drawings from Nature, solo show of works on paper, Lorenzo Rodriguez Gallery, Chicago
Andrei Rabodzeenko, solo show of watercolors, curated by Annie Rooryck, The Common Space Gallery, Toledo, OH
I Just Draw, solo show of graphic works, University of Chicago, Chicago
First All-Union Biennial of Graphic Art, Kaliningrad, USSR
Fourth Annual International Exhibition of Miniature Art, Del Bello Gallery, Toronto, Canada, Third place in Drawings, Pastels, Colored Pencils Category
City, History, People, Exhibition of Young Leningrad Artists, Leningrad, USSR
“Moby Dick,” table-top sculpture, wood, private collection
“In Good Company,” oil on panel, private collection
“Hierarchy,” outdoor sculpture, welded steel, patina stainless steel, private collection
Untitled, oil on canvas, private collection
“Portrait of Alex,” oil on canvas, wood, mirror, for "Not Just Another Pretty Face," commissioned portraits project, Hyde Park Art Center, Chicago
"Four Little Poems"
Sold at Bookworks, Nantucket, MA
"Profite Things"
"Other Worlds"
Sold at Paper Source and Seminary Coop Bookstore, Chicago; Printed Matter Bookstore, NYC; FlyRabbit Books, Boston; ZyArt, London
Cover art and illustrations, Infinite, No. 10, journal of arts and letters, Literary Fund: The Road of Life, St. Petersburg, Russia
Cover art for “Give Us This Day,” Liturgical Press, Order of St. Benedict, Collegeville, Minnesota
Cover art for “Suicide: Before and After, For those who are left behind,“ by Liana Alaverdova, Insignificant Books, Chicago
Cover art for “The Aftertaste of a Dream,” journal entries, novellas, notes on others’ dreams, and essays by Yevsey Tseytlin, Insignificant Books, Chicago
Illustrations for “30 Minutes to the Center of Chicago,” short stories by Simon Kaminski, West-Consulting, Moscow
Cover art for “A Bird in the Hand,” A collection of short stories and essays, Insignificant Books, Chicago
Illustrations for “Three’s a Party,” short stories by Vladimir Khokhlev and Simon Kaminski, Insignificant Books, Chicago
Illustrations for “Little Eagle on the American Lawn,” short stories by Simon Kaminski, Insignificant Books, Chicago
Cover art for "Temporal Lobe Epilepsy and the Mind-Brain Relationship: A New Perspective," by Shirley M. Ferguson and Mark Rayport, International Review of Neurobiology, vol. 76, Academic Press, an imprint of Elsevier, San Diego, CA
Etchings for "Between Peter and Leningrad," poetry by Elena Elagina, Terra Fantastika Publishers, St. Petersburg, Russia
Illustrations for "GIS on the Job" by Mary Lou Gallagher, American Planning Association journal, Chicago, December 1992, 21
Drawings for "From Hell to Paradise," poetry by Natalia Antonova, GEOS Press, St. Petersburg, Russia
Drawings for "Before Olirna," poetry by Natalia Antonova, GEOS Press, St. Petersburg, Russia
Hohlev, Vladimir. "Andrei Rabodzeenko: Art is people’s bridge to their own soul," Infinite, journal of arts and letters, No. 10, Literary Fund: The Road of Life, St. Petersburg, Russia, 182-189
McKean, Lise. "Andrei Rabodzeenko talks with Lise McKean about his upcoming exhibition," Infinite, journal of arts and letters, No. 10, Literary Fund: The Road of Life, St. Petersburg, Russia, 189-202
Letts, K. A. “Projections: An Interactive Portrait Project,” Rustbelt Arts, December 2, 2016.
Hutton, Eleanor and Athena Cocoves. “Andrei Rabodzeenko’s Projections: interactive portrait project,” The Toledo City Paper, December 7, 2016.
Goldstein, Vladimir. “A not quite serious interview with a serious artist,” 7 Dnei, Chicago, January 15, 2016. https://7days.us/andrej-rabodzeenko-ne-ochen-seryoznoe-intervyu-s-seryoznym-xudozhnikom
Shurgaya-Vereiskaya, Vera. “The Visual Circle of Being or Vision of Another World,” Petersburg Curators’ Notebooks, St. Petersburg, Russia, 36, 2015, 287-292.
Costello, Chester. “Andrei Rabodzeenko – Technotropic Romance & Other Works,” The Comp Magazine, August 10, 2015. http://www.thecompmagazine.com/andrei-rabodzeenko-technotropic-romance-other-works/
McKean, Lise. “Zeitgeist on Show in Recent Work by Damien Deroubaix and Andrei Rabodzeenko,” Bad at Sports blog, July 31, 2015. http://badatsports.com/2015/zeitgeist-on-show-in-recent-work-by-damien-deroubaix-and-andrei-rabodzeenko/
Cottet, Colleen. “Summer at LUMA features three very different ways of looking at the sacred,” Chicago Reader, July 7, 2015.
http://www.chicagoreader.com/Bleader/archives/ 2015/07/07/summer-at-luma-features-three-very-different-ways-of-looking-at-the-sacred
Kaminski, Simon. “With All Our Knowledge” (interview with artist Andrei Rabodzeenko), LiteraruS, 1 (38), Helsinki, January 2013, 54-60
Kaminski, Simon. "Innovator in an Old Style, Chicago artist Andrei Rabodzeenko tries to change perceptions of contemporary art,” 7 Dnei, Chicago, August 3, 2012, 38-39
Lisa, Nika. "No matter what you do, do it for yourself," City SPB, http://www.cityspb.ru/blog-400966/0/
Elagina, Elena. "A Happy Artist," Severnaya Avrora, St. Petersburg, Russia, September 2009, 167-183
Kaminski, Simon. "Innovator in an Old Style, Chicago artist Andrei Rabodzeenko tries to change perceptions of contemporary art,” Obzor, Chicago, April 21, 2008, 18
"Featured Artist: Andrei Rabodzeenko," Vvedenskaya Storona, a magazine about art for children, Staraya Russa, Russia, No. 2, June 2007, pp. 30-31; http://www.art-storona.ru/2007/2/article30.php
Elagina, Elena. "A Happy Artist is an Artist in Demand," BEG - St. Petersburg magazine, St. Petersburg, Russia, No. 6, 2007, 82-97
Gehring, Stephanie. "Artist gets by with a little help from his family, bringing his inspiration from the USSR," Daily Southtown, Chicago, Mar. 22, 2006, Local, 1, 6
Stein, Lisa. "Art portrait show takes unique view of patrons' faces," Chicago Tribune, November 14, 2003, Section 7, 17
Dutton, Lisa. Photo feature: "20 North Gallery marks 10th year," Toledo Blade, Toledo, OH, September 26, 2003, Arts & Entertainment Section, 1
Wiederhold, Matthew. "In the mind of Andrei Rabodzeenko: Complex Paintings at 20 North Gallery," Toledo City Paper, Toledo, OH, June 2002, 11
Anderson, Jon. "Ukrainian art exhibit almost all in family," Chicago Tribune, January 8, 2002, Metro Section, 3
Bayne, Martha. "Gallery Tripping: A kind of, not really, almost totally Ukrainian show," Chicago Reader, January 4, 2002, 23
Vallongo, Sally. "Father and son paint across generation gap," Toledo Blade, Toledo, OH, June 15, 1997, Arts & Entertainment section, 1
Vallongo, Sally. "Love connection helps bring art exhibit to Toledo," Toledo Blade, Toledo, OH, December 3, 1993, 45
Weintraub, Jennifer. "Artist Rabodzeenko just draws 'perfectly badly'," The University of Chicago Maroon, April 14, 1992, 11
Mukhina School of Design, Leningrad, USSR
Specializations: Interior Design, Architecture of Small Structures
Benkov High School for the Arts, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, USSR
Specializations: Painting, Teacher of Drafting and Drawing